Christmas Jumper Day!
Our School Council have organised Christmas Jumper Day - for Friday 10th December!
Check out our latest news below!
You can also read the latest version of our termly newsletter here.
Our School Council have organised Christmas Jumper Day - for Friday 10th December!
Please see your Parentmail from Friends...
Thursday 25 November was EGYPTIAN DAY!
Thank you to everyone who came into school to listen to Mr Bell and Mr Westley talk about reading at DSJ!
Ella has been inspired by the medals she has seen in Celebration Assembly!
As Mr Westley said in his recent parentmail - watching TV can help with Reading!
Come and join us on Tuesday 9th November
Mrs Day has begun her new role as ELSA (Emotional Literacy Support Assistant) in school...
Albus has been into school this week!
Open Day for 2022 Reception Class
With glorious weather - it looks as though Y6 are challenging themselves in many different ways!
We will share photos of their adventure here and on Seesaw for parents...