Key Stage 1 Junk Band
In assembly key stage 1 performed to the rest of the school with the help of the music teachers.
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In assembly key stage 1 performed to the rest of the school with the help of the music teachers.
Thank you to the parents who supported our Joules Sale in December!
Shona McCallin Team GB Hockey Player visited our school.
We had a special food tasting sessions with Roots to Food.
EYFS and Key Stage 1 put on a great performance of 'A Midwife Crisis' this week.
Year 1 went to the panto to watch Dick Whittington. They had a good time!
The whole class had a great day creating some wonderful work including a class book and sunset art work.
The children really enjoyed their special visitors today.
Bikeability was a great success!
Thank you all for your kind donations!
Year 1 spent the day creating their own maps.
Year 6 Team Work pays off!