Walk to School week!
This year school council have decided to participate in Walk to School Week. School council led an assembly yesterday about the benefits of walking to school. Walking is good for your body, the environment, relationships and makes you feel happy!
Walk to school week begins on Monday 20th May. There are lots of ways you can join in with Walk to School Week, you could cycle, scoot or park and stride (park the car a little further away and walk the last part of the journey) School Council members will be recording each day how children came to school. If your child/ren walk to school 4 or more times they will receive a badge designed and made by school council.
The class that has the most children walking to school during the week will also win a trophy which will be presented at Sports Day. Attached is a booklet with suggested activities and ideas that you can carry out each day whilst walking to school.
School Council members are really excited about encouraging as many children as possible to join in.