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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together

The Conversation

This term, you are invited to attend one of the parent support workshops by The Conversation Stamford. These are being hosted at lots of Stamford primary schools and at St George’s church place. These will be led by Gemma Holbird and Sarah Jane Sauntson, on various dates in March.


The workshop ‘Parenting in a Digital World’ aims to support parents/carers as you grapple with this tricky area of parenting and will focus on answering practical questions such as:


How are smartphones influencing our children and teens and what can we do about it?

  • Why are they so addictive?

  • When should my child be given a phone?

  • What controls should we put in place and how do I implement them?

  • What apps should they be allowed on?

  • How can we find the right balance for our family?


This is a great opportunity to benefit from The Conversation’s research and experience in this area; we do hope you can join them at one of their workshops. You can sign up here:


This will be an encouraging and supportive session. The workshop is aimed at parents and carers of children aged 0-16 regardless of whether your children have a phone yet or not.


This parent support workshop is part of the ‘Stamford Cyberwise Campaign’ encouraging schools, parents and children to evaluate young people’s digital habits and consider the impact mobile phones are having on mental health and well-being. More information about the campaign in general can be found at the link above.