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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together

Privacy Notice

About Us

Deeping St James Community Primary School is committed to ensuring that all personal information entrusted to it by Parents and Guardians of Pupils is protected at all times. 

For the purposes of this policy, Deeping St James Community Primary School will be known as the “Data Controller” for any data that it collects from you and your children.  This policy explains the purposes for which we use any personal information that is collected, how we secure it, who we may share it with and your rights under the Data Protection Act 1998.   


Why do we collect your personal information?

Deeping St James Community Primary School holds a variety of personal information which can be used in order to deliver public services. We collect information from you and may receive information about you and your children from your previous school or Lincolnshire County Council.

In relation to the above services, we will process your information for the following purposes:

  • To deliver a comprehensive Education service in accordance with the Education Regulations

  • To allow us to communicate and provide services and support appropriate to your needs

  • To ensure that we meet our legal obligations and in order to exercise our statutory powers in the public interest

  • To provide appropriate pastoral care and where necessary protect individuals from harm

  • To allow the statistical analysis of data so we can assess performance and plan the provision of services.

We will only collect personal data that we need in order to deliver services to you and as far as is reasonable and practicable we will ensure that the information recorded is accurate and kept up to date.


What personal data do we collect?

We will collect personal data about you and your children in order to help us deliver the right service. The personal data we collect may include:

  • Name, address, date of birth and other contact details

  • Additional personal data such as country of birth, native language, ethnicity and religion to fulfil our statutory obligations

  • Medical information for health and safety purposes

  • SEN (Special Educational Needs) to support your teaching and learning

  • Reports from other government agencies confirming your entitlements to additional services such as pupil premium or child protection services

  • Attendance data to fulfil our statutory obligations

  • Behaviour and Exclusion information

  • National curriculum assessment results and teacher assessments to monitor and report on progress


All of the data above is required to ensure we fulfil our Legal Obligation for the Public Education Service.


How do we collect your personal data?

Information may be collected in many ways but predominantly comes from the enrolement forms which you complete when you join our school.

Other ways we collect data include:

  • Face to Face – if you come into school and talk to us about changes in your personal situation or any concerns

  • Telephone calls – through conversation with our staff or messages left on our answerphone. Recorded messages are not stored any longer than is necessary.

  • Emails – If you email us we may keep this record for a period of time as evidence of the contact. We are unable to guarantee the security of any email initiated by you and we recommend that you keep the amount of confidential information you send to us via email to a minimum.

  • Using our Website – you can send absence messages through our school website. We then download them and store in a dedicated file.


Who do we get your personal information from?

This information is collected in a number of ways:

  • Provided to us directly by you when you enrole your child in our school and complete our admission forms or when you amend and return our annual update forms

  • Provided by another professional organisation involved in the provision of services. Professional organisations may include other public sector bodies such as health, police services and schools.


Updating your personal information

It is important that the information contained in our records is both accurate and current. If your personal information happens to change, please keep us informed of such changes.


Who do we share your information with?

We will only share your information where it is necessary to do so. We will not share your information without your consent unless the law requires or allows us to do so.


Your personal information may be disclosed:

  • As permitted or required by applicable law or regulatory requirements. In such a case , we will try to not disclose more personal information than is required under the circumstances;

  • To comply with valid legal processes such as court orders;

  • During emergency situations or where necessary to protect the safety of a person or group of persons;

  • Where the personal information is publicly available; or

  • With your consent where such consent is required by law.

Where necessary we may share your information with the following categories of recipients:

  • Healthcare, social and welfare organisations and professionals for safeguarding purposes

  • Providers of educational software services such as: RM Integris, Education City, Purple Mash, Farm Kitchens, Parentmail, Educater, Tapestry and Micro Librarian – to enhance learning, additional facilities and communication

  • The Cluster Music Team working within our cluster of schools providing music services

  • The PTA (Parent Teacher Association) who arrange events and activities for children of the school

  • The Local Authority ( Lincolnshire County Council) and The Department of Education to fulfil our statutory obligations

To find out more about the data collection requirements placed on us by the Department of Education go to

Some of this information is then stored in the NPD ( National Pupil Database ) in accordance with the Education (Information About Individual Pupils) (England) Regulations 2013. The NPD provides evidence on educational performance for independent research as well as studies commissioned by the Department of Education.

To find out more about the NPD, go to


 How long do we keep your information for?

We are required to retain your personal data only for as long as is necessary, after which reasonable steps will be taken to securely destroy this in line with our retention policy. Retention periods can vary and will depend on various criteria including the purpose of processing, regulatory and legal requirements, and internal organisational need. We will also attempt to delete/dispose of any images of children who have left our school unless we have your consent to still display these.


How do we keep your information safe?

We have an information assurance framework in place which ensures that appropriate technical and organisational measures are in place to help keep your information secure and to reduce the risk of loss and theft.

Access to information is strictly controlled based on the role of the professional.

All staff are required to undertake regular data protection training and must comply with a variety of security policies designed to keep your information secure.

Your personal data is not processed outside of the EU by Deeping St James Community Primary School.

Further information regarding Deeping St James Community Primary School’s Data Protection Policy can be found on our website.


Your Rights

You have a number of rights which relate to your personal data.

You are entitled to request access to any personal data we hold about you or your child and you can also request a copy. Details of how to make such a request can be found on our website.

We are obliged to consider and respond to any such request within one working month.

When requesting access to your personal information, please note that we may request specific information from you to enable us to confirm your identity and right to access, as well as to search for and provide you with the personal information that we hold about you.

 You can also request that we correct any personal data we hold about you or your child that you believe is inaccurate; request that we erase your personal data; request that we stop processing all or some of it and request that automated decisions are made by a person. In some circumstances we may not agree with your request to change your personal information and will instead append an alternative text to the record in question.

Where we are relying on your consent to process your personal data you are entitled to withdraw your consent at any time. To withdraw or amend your consent please write to The Data Controller at Deeping St James Community Primary School.


If you wish to make a request or make a complaint about how we have handled your personal data please contact:

The Data Protection Officer

Deeping St James Community Primary School

Hereward Way

Deeping St James



If you are not satisfied with our response or believe we are not processing your personal data in accordance with the law you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)