Our Curriculum
Following the National Curriculum, the school is able to provide a wide range of activities but places the greatest emphasis on making sure that all children are both literate and numerate by the time they leave our school at age 11. We value these basic skills because they form the building blocks of future learning.
Our Curriculum Intent / Ambition
“The curriculum - taught and untaught – represents the totality of the experience of the child within schooling” Mary Myatt.
The curriculum has been developed to fit the national Curriculum, but also designed so that children see the relevance of the curriculum in the place where they live.
The aim of the DSJ curriculum is that it is progressive in nature; children are given the ability to make links across subject areas to deepen understanding; that it is accessible to all pupils (especially those who are disadvantaged in any way); it is broad, balanced and interesting and gives value to core and non-core subjects alike, so that children leave with a wealth of interests and skills. This is highlighted in our commitment to music, drama and sport.
In addition, we strive to ensure that the children leave with aspirational and ambitious goals for their futures and the self-confidence and belief that they can achieve them and that they would have a positive approach to life and learning. Our curriculum celebrates and promotes out of school achievements and self-initiated learning and motivation. Finally, that the children know, value and play their part in the local and worldwide community and they can see the benefits of doing so.
Our Curriculum Implementation
The curriculum at DSJ is taught with our 4 key learning behaviours at its heart:
Determined Self Improver
Resilient Risk Taker
Persistent Problem Solver
Co-operative Group Worker
If we present learning in order to develop these core learning behaviours then our children will be able to approach an ever-changing world with determination, resilience and self-confidence to succeed in whatever they decide to focus on. Through this they will achieve highly.
Theme days, school trips and visitors are designed to bring the learning to life, and where possible the learning is related back, and compared, to the area in which the children live.
Having an active Mini Police group; becoming fully involved and supporting local events develops the children’s local and wider perspectives and sense of community and responsibility. This therefore develops the children’s personal development and supports British Vales.
Our Curriculum Impact
On a classroom level, within maths mini tests are undertaken regularly, times tables test and end of term diagnostic tests. In reading, continual assessments and within writing, assessment “gold” writes. In other subjects a pre and a post assessment is undertaken to monitor progress.
Impact is also measured in a number of other ways, including book scrutinees, lesson observations/learning walks, pupil progress meetings, IT based assessment and progress tracking systems and professional dialogue.
We always aim to match work to each child’s personal capability so that he or she can progress well. We believe that children learn best from first hand experience and encourage learning by “doing” through a culture of enquiry approach. With this in mind we try to provide children with a wide range of school trips through their schooling. We have high expectations and standards, which we believe all children should strive to attain. We aim to help children take on more responsibility for their own learning and to become independent thinkers and learners having a thirst for knowledge.
Sporting Activity
Physical education forms an important part of the school’s overall curriculum and we encourage all children to take part in a wide variety of physical activities. These include PE, games, dance and movement and swimming.
We enjoy excellent facilities including a large playing field, two hard surface playgrounds and a great deal of equipment.
As they progress through the school children can also participate in a number of competitive sports. In 2012 our Year 3/4 swimmers were second in the Lincolnshire Games’ finals and our cricketers and footballers came top of their local leagues. We promote team games such as hockey, football, netball and rounders as well as more individual sports such as athletics. We maintain contact with professional football clubs who run football-coaching sessions at the local Leisure Centre during school holidays.
With the introduction of sports funding for schools last year children in KS2 now have access to professional coaches from different sports throughout the year. KS1 children also have input form a qualified multiskills coach.
The school has a strong tradition of excellent music provision, employing a music specialist and having around half of the children in the school learning an individual instrument, ranging from drums to the cello. The school takes a very active part in many community activities providing musical and artistic displays for many local events. In recent years, we have also taken part in events further afield, performing at the Young Voices Sheffield Arena event since 2010. We have strong links with the local secondary school and our music specialist works actively across our cluster of schools to run a joint schools choir, band and to co-ordinate the peripatetic music teachers.+
Religious Education
All children follow a course of Religious Education as set out in the school's R.E. policy. This is based on county guidelines and is broadly Christian in nature.
Religious Education offers a positive moral view of the world and the child's place in it. We encourage tolerance of all beliefs and views.
Children are involved in a daily act of collective worship as required by the Education Act of 1988. Assemblies are broadly Christian in nature but we recognise and celebrate religious beliefs and festivals of other cultures.
As a parent or guardian you have a legal right to withdraw your child from collective worship, Religious Education, or both. Parents considering exercising this right are asked to discuss this with the Headteacher so that alternative provision can be organised.