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Deeping St James C.P. School

Inspire to learn, achieve together


Welcome to Deeping St James music department.  All children from Y1 – Y6 have a weekly music session delivered by a music specialist, following the music curriculum.  Reception children also access a wide range of music provision.  We are very lucky to have a full samba kit, a class set of djembe drums, steel pans and a wide range of other instruments such as drum kits, electric guitars, violins, keyboards and percussion. 

In addition to their weekly music lessons, children can take advantage of peripatetic music lessons delivered by music specialists weekly .We currently have 117 children taking advantage of these lessons.  Instruments currently available are drums, guitar, keyboard, piano, ukulele, vocals and violin.  There is an additional charge for these lessons, however if you are in receipt of free school meals (excluding the KS1 universal entitlement) or pupil premium, music lessons will be provided free of charge. 

Every child in the school takes part in a performance during the year.  We have a yearly summer and Christmas concert and KS1 Christmas production.  We regularly perform in the local community at events such as the Rose and Sweet Pea show and Deepings Christmas Market.  

We have a school choir who regularly perform at local events, and perform at a Young Voices concert at Sheffield Arena every year with 5,000 other children.  We have a school band that perform in the local community, and host a joint school rock band made up of 22 pupils who attend schools in our local area.  The rock band performs in two concerts over the year, and goes on a “band tour” over two days performing at seven local primary schools.

We are very proud of our music department and feel privileged to work with six talented music teachers on a weekly basis.  Please feel free to make an appointment to visit our music department and we are always to answer any questions regarding music provision in school.

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